Meet The Team: Darren McDowall

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Darren McDowall

Welcome to our new “Meet The Team” series here on the Black Isle Renewables blog.

We’ll be sharing more about the people behind the products (and service!) here, so you know that with us, you’re always in safe hands.

Next up, it’s our Darren!


Tell us your name?

Darren McDowall.

What’s your role?

Sales and Design Engineer

How long have you been at Black Isle Renewables?

Just under a year. I started during the 1st week in January.

What did you do before?

I spent years working in the directional drilling and managed pressure drilling sectors of the oil and gas industry before seeing the light and moving into renewables.

What kept you sane during 2020’s lockdown?

Family, living in the countryside, Xbox, Netflix.

What keeps you busy outside work?

Having a toddler and two large, crazy dogs. Doesn’t leave much time for anything else.

What is the best part of your job?

The pace is unrelenting. I like the pressure, it keeps me focused. I’ve not been bored yet!

What's your favourite (publishable) joke?

I went to the zoo the other day. It only had one dog in it. It was a shitzu.


Thanks, Darren! Stay tuned to meet more of our team.

Meet The TeamIain Thomas